PETITION: Let’s Make Canada Greater.
US Constitutional law denies states the right to secede. However, it is important that Americans, especially those who are in favor of economic and political peace with Canada, show to Donald Trump and his supporters that they would prefer the United States to be run more like Canada, in order to have a better quality of life.
In this respect, although the USA and Canada are the 3rd and 4th best countries in the world respectively, one tenth of a percent, in terms of quality of life, Canada has a CONSIDERABLE advantage.
Here is the ranking
– Canada is ranked 5th with a score of 94,2 our of 100
– The USA is ranked 22nd with a score of 55,4 out of 100
That is a huge difference. (See their side by side evaluation.)
If you want to have a better quality of life, please sign the petition:
Thank you for your participation
Denis Pageau