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For a freedom of expression free of oppression

Started by Denis Pageau, Apr 25, 2022, 03:44 PM

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Is it possible to have free speech without oppressing others?

Definitively yes
1 (100%)
0 (0%)
I am not certain
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0 (0%)
Definitively not
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Denis Pageau

    The goal which the vast majority of citizens want to achieve is to reduce the level of conflict, be they personal, social and societal, which increases their quality of life.

As it pertains to the subject of freedom of speech, if we are not able to talk about the subjects we want to talk about, then it creates conflicts, so we should be free to talk about any subject we want to talk about.

On the other hand, if we talk about a person or a group of people and that these comments create conflicts, then our actions are going against the goal that the vast majority of citizens want to achieve.

 Hence, do you agree with this best practice:
    We should be able to talk about any subjects we want to talk about, but we need to do it in a civilized matter, one that will make our societies stronger, not more conflictual.

Be the first to reply.  8)
Societally yours,

Denis Pageau
Citizens & Societies
Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
Lead Facilitator (LF)

Denis Pageau

In reality, I am wondering if those who want to create conflicts as they express themselves are not just trying to diminish others to overvalue themselves.

What do you think?
Societally yours,

Denis Pageau
Citizens & Societies
Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
Lead Facilitator (LF)

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