
The more competent we are as citizens, the better our societies are.

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Let's Take Control of our Societies Together

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Citizens & Societies

Welcome to Citizens and Societies


Citizens & Societies is a discussion forum that functions as a community of practice. (CoP) This means that in order to facilitate dialogues and focus on solutions, participants are encouraged to communicate Constructively, Positively and Respectfully, which I call the CPR communication method.


While using the CPR communication method, participants may talk about any subject associated with citizenship and societies. Hence, both your freedom of speech and your right of expressing your thoughts without being insulted or oppressed  by other participants are guaranteed.


The Goal of Citizens and Societies


The goal of Citizens & Societies is to help us, citizens, wherever we are in our global village, build better societies together. This means that we need to achieve an equilibrium as we use resources to meet our individual, social and collective needs, thus societal.  To attain this goal we need to achieve seven objectives.


Our Objectives


In this community of practice for citizens, you are invited to share your thoughts on the means we can use to implement the 7 objectives we need to achieve to build better societies together.



Taking Control

of our



Citizen Quotient


Societies are only the results of our individual, group and collective actions. Hence, as citizens we play a very important role in our societies.


Thus, if we want to take control of our societies, we first need to take control of our citizenship by becoming competent citizens.


To become competent citizens, we need to better understand the important role we play in the:


- Development as well as the social and societal integration of our fellow citizens,

- Functioning and development of our societies

- Functioning and development of our governments. 


Furthermore, we need to acquire the necessary knowledge and develop the necessary skills that will help us become competent:


- Toward ourselves.

- Toward others.

- Toward our societies.


 What do you think? Is this a good goal? You can participate in the discussion here: Dialogue on citizenship.



Taking Control

of our




Becoming competent citizens include a clear understanding of how we can implement collective freedom, while making sure that most of our individual, group and collective actions facilitate the :


- Development as well as the social and societal integration of our fellow citizens,


- Functioning and development of our societies


- Functioning and development of our governments.


We must achieve this while reducing the level of tension, friction and conflicts that naturally arise as we as we share the same environment and the same societal resources to meet both our individual and collective needs in order to increase our quality of life.


When we achieve this equilibrium, there will still be conflicts, both between individual or group of citizens and between citizens and the collectivity. However, they are then peripheral. This means that the vast majority of conflicts will be more due to our social nature than to the way we manage our societies.


To implement freedom we all need to understand how social order, collective freedom, individual freedom, liberty, liberty of expression and liberty of the press work together to create balanced societies.




Taking Control

of our






Democracy means power to the people. Unfortunately, what we have now is a particracy; thus power lies in the hands of political parties. 


Indeed, when we elect local representatives, we elect a representative of a political party. Hence their first allegiance is  towards their political party, not towards their constituents.


Hence, we need to find a way to take control of our democracies.



Taking Control

of our

Electoral System


Electoral Process



Democratically speaking, the many various problems that affect our modern societies can’t be properly addressed through our present electoral processes.


The problem is exacerbated by the fact that in order to win, political parties focus on a few points that they hammer, while bypassing other important elements.



Hence when citizens vote, they vote for their party, party loyalists, of based on only one issue.



These citizens may feel that they are being good citizens because they vote, but in reality they have not taken control of their citizenship.



Furthermore, our electoral process gives too much power to only one person. Because we don’t really know what this person will do, our present electoral system is a high-risk low reward system.



Taking Control

of our





As we take control of our citizenship, we should adapt our electoral processes so that we can take control of the various governmental departments by directly electing our ministers or our secretaries. 


Hence we could select the candidate that has the best plan to  manage the department in a way that it facilitates the :


- Development as well as the social and societal integration of our fellow citizens,


- Functioning and development of our societies


- Functioning and development of our governments.


While make sure that the size of the department is as big as it needs to be in order to achieve its mandate and as efficient as possible so that it can be as small as possible. 





Taking Control

of our

Fiscal Policies


Fiscal Policies





In order to build balanced societies, our fiscal policies must also be balanced. To reach this equilibrium we need to close the financial loop.


The loop is closed at the bottom as we have lower limits to salaries and wealth accumulation (minimum wage and bankruptcy) but there are no such limits at the top as we don’t have higher limits to salaries and wealth accumulation.




Taking Control

of our

Global Village


Global Village


We are all citizens wherever we live on our global village.


Hence, the above goals should guide our international agreements and the development and the functioning of all our international organizations as they work for us.



 As we work to achieve these objectives, we will reduce the level of conflict and increase our quality of life which is what most if not all citizens want. 


If you want to learn more about these objectives, please Sign Up and browse the different topics. New topics will frequently be added both by the participants and by the team of facilitators. 

Denis Pageau
Chief Knowledge Officer
Chief Facilitator



How to be read.

  1. Use our definitions
  2. Use simple words
  3. Use small sentences
  4. Share one idea per small paragraph. 
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