
The first ever community of practice for citizens.

Here we learn to become better citizens and in the process understand how to make our societies work for all of us.

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Citizens and Societies

Welcome to the 1st ever community of practice for citizens. (CoPc)

Citizens and Societies is proud to invite you to participate in the 1st ever community of practice for citizens. (CoPc) Communities of practice are tools used by professionals to achieve two goals:

  • learn to become better professionals and 
  • make their organizations better. 

Citizenship is our first profession

Societalogically speaking, societies are a form of organizations, they are associations to be precise, and they belong to us

Hence, as associates we need to acquire the necessary knowledge and acquire the appropriate skills that will help us better play our role of citizens. Participating in a CoP is thus the perfect place to learn how to be better citizens and how to make our societies better.   

The more competent we are the better our societies will be. 

This is the goal of this community. By participating in this CoPc you will learn to better understand your societies and the role you play as citizens. From this new  understanding, you will be able to identify and implement the best practices that are suitable for your society. 

As Chief Knowledge Officer and Lead Facilitator, I will use the knowledge of a new management science specifically design to help citizens :

  • become more competent citizens 
  • build more performing societies 

This new science called SOCIETALogy, fills a gap in our scientific knowledge.  

Indeed although there are many management sciences that study business, no for profit, public and private organizations, up until now. there were no science  to help us manage our societies and guide us to become better citizens. 

This new science brings many benefits including the development of models, but one of the most important benefits is that it clarifies many concepts that we use daily, but were never clearly defined before.

This new lexicon is the heart of this CoP. It makes it possible for us to have constructive, positive and respectful dialogues. (CPR) In our modern day and age, CPR is what our societies need if we want to reach a sustainable social order.  

If you want to learn more about societies and citizenship, you are invited to join the community and be part of the movement.

Societally yours  

Denis Pageau
Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
Lead Facilitator (LF)

What's up?

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Citizens & Societies

Welcome to Citizens and Societies


Citizens & Societies is a discussion forum that functions as a community of practice. (CoP) This means that in order to facilitate dialogues and focus on solutions, participants are encouraged to communicate Constructively, Positively and Respectfully, which I call the CPR communication method.


While using the CPR communication method, participants may talk about any subject associated with citizenship and societies. Hence, both your freedom of speech and your right of expressing your thoughts without being insulted or oppressed  by other participants are guaranteed.


Our Goal


The goal of Citizens & Societies is to help us, citizens, wherever we are in our global village, build better societies together. This means that we need to achieve an equilibrium as we use resources to meet our individual, social and collective needs, thus societal.  To attain this goal we need to achieve seven objectives.


Our Objectives


In this community of practice for citizens, you are invited to share your thoughts on the means we can use to implement the 7 objectives we need to achieve to build better societies together.


Objective #1 - Increase our level of competency as it concerns the important role we play as citizens.
Objective #2 - Create or maintain a  sustainable social order.
Objective #3 - Improve our democratic processes.
Objective #4 - Improve our electoral system.
Objective #5 - Improve the development and the functioning of both our legislative assemblies and our governments.
Objective #6 - Improve our fiscal policies so that they are compatible with the development of a balanced society.
Objective #7 - Improve our international laws so that all citizens in our global village can also regain control of their societies.


As we work to achieve these objectives, we will reduce the level of conflict and increase our quality of life which is what most if not all citizens want. 


If you want to learn more about these objectives, please Sign Up and browse the different topics. New topics will frequently be added both by the participants and by the team of facilitators. 

Denis Pageau
Chief Knowledge Officer
Chief Facilitator






How to be read.

  1. Use our definitions
  2. Use simple words
  3. Use small sentences
  4. Share one idea per small paragraph. 
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